Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Escena de Piratas del Caribe: Mareas Misteriosas. Producida por Jerry Bruckheimer y dirigida por Rob Marshall, “Piratas del Caribe: En Mareas Misteriosas” vuelve a ofrecer las enormes dosis de diversión, aventura y humor que deslumbraron en las anteriores entregas de esta saga de éxito.

War Horse

WAR HORSE En un pueblo inglés, Albert, el hijo de un granjero, ve nacer un potrillo. Poco después, su padre lo adquiere en una subasta, y el chico le pone de nombre Joey. Pero la familia se arruina y no tiene más remedio que vender el caballo justo cuando estalla la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Ése es el punto de partida de un viaje en el que tanto Albert como Joey lucharán por sobrevivir a la contienda y volver a estar juntos.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

when somebody love me

When somebody love me 
Everithing was beautiful
Every hour we spend together
Lives within my heart
And when she was sad
I was there to dry here tears
And when she was happy
So was I
When she love me
Throught the summer and the fall
We had each other
That was all
Just she and I together
Like it was mean to be
And when she was lonely
I was ther to confort her
And I knew that  
She loved me
So the years went by 
I stayed the same
But she began to drift away
I was left alone 
Still, I waited for the day
When she'd say
I will always love you
Lovely and forgoten
Never thought she'd look my way
But she smile at me
And hel me
Just like she used to do
Like she loved me
When she loved me
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hours we spent together
Lives within my heart
Whwn she loved me.